How does it work?

The IHP24 uses Solenoid Operated on/off Valves, SOV, to move the actuator to the requested set point. It has 4 or more outputs to control SOV’s depending on the model. The IHP24 is designed so it can use any solenoid valve on the market. The unit will automatically adapt the regulator to the performance of the complete system, during an automatic calibration. The desired position of the valve is sent to the IHP24 via the 4-20mA control loop or a communication protocol. The actual position is measured by the IHP via a potentiometer or a 4-20mA sensor. The set point and position signal is compared and the actuator is moved to the requested position.

See the schematic below for an example on how the IHP24 can be used with a standard regulator.

SR - Opening

When the IHP24 is requested to open the valve, both solenoids are energized. 

The OPEN SOV is opening for the hydraulic oil or air to fill the actuator chamber and compress the spring.

The CLOSE SOV is blocking the hydraulic oil or air to exit the actuator chamber and controls.

The Valve will open.

SR - Closing

When the IHP24 is requested to close the valve, both solenoids are de-energized.

The OPEN SOV is blocking for the hydraulic oil or air to enter the actuator chamber.

The CLOSESOV is opening for the hydraulic oil or air to be released from the actuator chamber and controls.

The Valve will close.

SR - Stay-put

When the IHP24 is requested to place the valve in stay put position, the CLOSE SOV energized.

The OPEN SOV is blocking for the hydraulic oil or air to enter the actuator chamber.

The CLOSE SOV is blocking for the hydraulic oil or air to be released from the actuator chamber and controls.

The valve will stay put.

DA - Opening

When the IHP24 is requested to open the valve, the OPEN SOV solenoid is energized. 

The OPEN SOV is opening for the hydraulic oil or air to fill the actuator chamber.

The CLOSE SOV is leading the hydraulic oil or air to exit the actuator chamber.

The Valve will open.

DA - Closing

When the IHP24 is requested to close the valve, the CLOSE SOV solenoid is energized. 

The CLOSE SOV is opening for the hydraulic oil or air to fill the actuator chamber.

The OPEN SOV is leading the hydraulic oil or air to exit the actuator chamber.

The Valve will close.

DA - Stay-put

When the IHP24 is requested to place the valve in stay put position, both solenoids are de-energized.

The valve will stay put.